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I'm having an issue with my discount code. Can you help?Updated 6 months ago

**During site-wide sales, such as Black Friday and Cyber Monday, all discount codes will be disabled.**

Did your discount code not work on your order? Or can you not find your discount code?


No need to worry.


If you fall into any of the following scenarios, we can help!


1. If you can't find the code you are looking for, check your spam email box. It may have been sent therer.


2. If you are simply looking for a discount code, we do offer a welcome offer discount code when you sign up with your email. 

The link is below:


3. If the code you wanted to use was not applied to you order and you have already submitted your order - all you need to do is send over a copy of the code to our Help Center at [email protected] and we can apply it to your order retroactively. The discount will be refunded to the account of origin.

Hope this helps!

Solgaard Support

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